Connor is 18. His birthday is on August 10th. He has got 2 sisters and 1 brother. He has got a cat, a dog and a fish.His hobbies are Playstation, skateboarding and reading.
Kahu is 18. His birthday is on November 1st. He has got 1 brother. He has got a dog and a cat. His hobby is music.
Jeneiro is 18. His birthday is on January 15th. He has got a sister. He has got 1 dog. His hobbies are hunting and fishing.
They are from Wellington in New Zealand. They like France. They have been in France since September.
Connor is a hooker. He has been playing rugby for 14 years. Kahu is a flanker. He has been playing rugby for 7 years. Jeneiro is a winger. He has been playing rugby for 2 years.
They even performed "Haka" ! It was a wonderful day !
Pupils from 6e4
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